Monday, July 30, 2012

Dozer's New Dog Feeding Station

Dozer was surprised to come in from the back yard to find his food and water bowl sitting on something other than overturned, orange Home Depot buckets.  Oh, yes.  Buckets.  In our kitchen.  For six months.  Well, finally, I braved the 99 degree heat to build my very large 8-year puppy a new feeding station.

I took some spare 6x1 pieces of timber left over from the deck and went to work.  

First, I cut 2 pieces of the same length to form the top and attached them together with mending plates on the bottom:

Then I cut two pieces to make the legs. (Of course, I chose a height that was good for Dozer.  One that allows him to eat/drink comfortably, without bending down.)  I attached the legs to the top with corner braces:

Coat with some polyurethane for a little drool protection, pour some kibble in the bowl, and you're good to go.


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